Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few.
Our Mission
Our mission is to do more than resist Trump. Without a grand vision for a better future, the left cannot hope to do anymore than defend a status quo that we are unsatisfied with. Yes, we must defend the most vulnerable in our society, but we must also demand a future that serves all of us, rather than the wealthy few.
Our Demands
The economy must be run democratically; none shall be poor so another can be rich
The abolition of poverty
Affordable, humane housing for all
Universal Medicare-for-all
Free education: from pre-K to trades, college and beyond
Democracy in the workplace; all workers have the right to organize
Complete reproductive freedom in all forms
An end to racial, gender and all other forms of oppression
An end to punitive justice and mass incarceration
An end to military and police aggression
Democratic control over the environment to preserve the planet
Active organizing for democracy is needed now more than ever. For this to succeed, both working and poor people—who are the majority—have to have a voice. DSA is one of those voices.